Wednesday, February 25, 2015

First fine art piece part 2

Got the paper ready to trace:
placed the paper over the record to get ready to trace, I had to place another sheet over the original tracing paper to make sure that the original sheet wasn't damaged (or so I can still see the original penciled robot):
Trace complete!:
Now time to sharpie over the traced lines:
After that, I have to let the sharpie dry over night so I can erase the pencil marks without the sharpie smudging over the paper.....
Day 2:
Finally the marker dried, as well as pencil marks are are erased and the final art is complete!
Here is the final result:

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My first fine art piece

This will be my first fine art piece not digitalized at all (except for the pictures to show progress, lol)
Here Is what it consists of so far:
1: Vinyl record case. One day I picked up a record, which i thought to be what a wonderful world.  Sadly to my suprise i found out it used the sleeve of it and the record was some bluegrass record (going to sell that stupid record).  So i kept the case just in case I may come in contact with what a wonderful world.  Then I had a change of heart, and turned it into a template to place my first art piece.  Here is what it looks like, Without the soon to be art:
2:The art piece.  Origonally this was supposed to say robo probo, as of my Instagram post,
But after analyzing, and deciding, I sided with this more slick design:

I will post more of the progress as I go through this piece but for now, thats all i've done.

Monday, February 23, 2015

A dedication to Joe Bethancourt

Last year, 2014 I picked up a cassette at a local half price books for 50 cents, and somehow it was undocumented online....Except for who this man was.  This man died 2014, the year i got it, so due to him never getting his music (although it's bluegrass) out there i wanna post his music so you, and the rest of the world can hear it.
On the files each one is encoded in flac, with cover art, so enjoy.
Also I wanna say that I uploaded and documented personally all the data of the cassette to discogs, and for more info click here:

Who made this wallpaper?

The person who made the wallpaper wasn't me but is the man who made beck's, Guero album art.  That's right Marcel Dzma.  So don't point the work of that background to me, point it to him, cuz hiz art is awesome...

Hello, and welcome to my blog!

Just so you know, I am glad to start this blog, and I hope you get a lot out of my life.  I will post things from art to even classwork.  Sometimes I'll even post how to's!  Normally I update this website of my art here:
Just wanna tell you what a delight it is to show myself to the world!,

Thomas Hancock